
DOC-FlexCem™ Latex polymer cement slurry system is composed of DOC-G81L and DOC-G80L as basic additives, latex DOC-GR5 and DOC-GR6 as core additives, retarding agent, dispersing agent and other additives as auxiliary additives. Latex polymer cement slurry system not only has the advantages of wide range of temperature, high temperature and salt resistance and performance stable of the multi-functional system, but also has the latex system’s functions of strong impact toughness in cement sheath. The system has better performance of reducing water loss, compactness, strong toughness, low permeability of the cement paste through the combined action of polymer’s adsorption on cement particles and latex particles’ filling effect on cement gaps so as to improve cementing quality effectively and prolong the production life of oil well. The DOC-Flex system is mostly used in liner cementing required good cementing quality, oil layer cementing and other well cementing operation with special requirements.

System Composition

1、Oil well cement: class G.

2、Latex: DOC-GR5 DOC-GR6.

3、Fluid loss additive: DOC-G80L  DOC-G86L  DOC-G90L.

4、Retarder: DOC-H21L DOC-H42L DOC-H50L DOC-H100L.

5、Dispersant: DOC-F44L DOC-F45L DOC-F44S.

6、Stabilizer: DOC-J30L.

7、Defoamer: DOC-X60L DOC-X66L.

System Advantages

1、Strong ability to control water loss.

2、Strong toughness and low permeability of cement paste.

3、Good stability of cement slurry.

4、Good anti gas channeling ability.

5、Strong resistance to stress and corrosion of cement paste.

System Features

1、Can be used in tail pipe and production casing cementing.

2、Has strong corrosion resistance and can prolong the production life of oil well.

3、Applicable temperature: 10℃~150℃.

4、Good strength development.

5、Suitable for bottom cementing of easy-channeling.

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