
DOC-J20L, sulfonate surfactant complex, averts demulsification of latex in cement slurry.

 Properties and characteristics

1. Applied to the latex cement slurry system;

2. Can effectively stabilize latex cement slurry to avert demulsification of latex;

3. No bad effects on other performances of cement slurry. 

Physicochemical and functional index




Light-yellow transparent liquid

Density, g/cm3


pH value


Usage and notice

1. Add while stirring when preparing mixed water;

2. Recommended dosage, 10~20% of latex dosage;

3. Application temperature, 35~150℃ (BHCT).

Safety parameter and notice

Causticity: pH value 7.0~9.0;

Oxidation: Contain no oxidant and strong reducing agent;

Toxicity: Poisonous, ingestion is not allowed;

Incompatible materials: Oxidant.


Package & Storage & Validity

Specifications of packaging: 25 L plastic barrel or as per client’s requirements;

Packing size: 25 kg/barrel or as per client’s requirements;

Storage conditions: Avoid open fire, strong oxidant, high-temperature environment;

Period of validity: 24 months.

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